With the easing of the Covid lockdown Solar4us is now operating ‘near-normally’ again
but adhering carefully to the Government’s social distancing guidance.
The Government has removed the 5% VAT on new installations of solar panels plus battery storage. The VAT on these combined installations is now ZERO!
This is good news for the UK’s commitments on climate change and good news for all those who wish to take advantage of the attractive economics of combined solar panel with battery storage.
Please contact us to see how this will benefit you:

Our vision is a world that is powered entirely by Green Sustainable Energy
Solar4us are one of the first PV panel installers in the country.
We have completed over 1,000 installations since 2003 and have an enviable reputation.
Climate change is the biggest challenge facing mankind everywhere.
So a universal collective approach to this man-made problem is required by all.
In this respect Solar PV has a big contribution to make.
Be a part of the solution and NOT the problem.
Making the investment in clean energy is a very good but long-term commitment. So it is only prudent to employ a reliable and experienced PV installer with an established track record. You can have peace of mind that Solar4us has gone through rigorous training and assessments to achieve a wide range of experience.
Solar4us Ltd design, supply and install solar panels for architects, developers, businesses and householders across Greater London, Surrey, Kent, Sussex and most of the South East.
We keep a close eye on the different PV panel manufacturers as specifications, performance and prices change frequently. We currently recommend Panasonic, LG and Sharp. We always provide a comprehensive quote with three options so that you, the customer, can make an informed choice between performance and cost.
This is one of our earliest commercial installation in 2006.
A 40 kwp PV system consist of 130 PV panels by Sharp Electronics Ltd. A Day Care Centre located in Newhaven, Sussex.
Please use this link or the main menu above to get more details on commercial installations.


This is one of our earliest Domestic installation in 2004. A 4 kwp PV system consist of 16 PV panels by Sanyo Electronics Ltd. Located in Croydon, Surrey.
Please use this link or the main menu above to get more information on domestic installations.
PV and Batteries
This site was installed in 2017 with one 2.4 kw Pylon Lithium-Ion battery. It is so compact the system including the inverter and the switches are located in the cupboard space under the stairs in a Semi-Detached property.
Plese use this link or the main menu above to get more information on battery storage linked to PV panels.