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Solar panels against blue sky: on the Commercial Installatons page

Reduce your operating overheads by Investing

in a Solar PV system


Why Invest in a Solar PV system for your New & Existing Buildings?


Reduce your operating overheads

Generate and store free, clean energy on-site and improve your bottom line with up to 100% savings on energy costs.


Secure your future energy supply

Pre-purchase energy at a fixed unit price, forecast your long-term energy costs and protect your business against future increases in utility prices.


Save our planet and our environment

Utilise clean, renewable energy to offset your buildings  carbon footprint, lower your energy demand from fossil fuels and reduce pollution and improve sustainability


Protect from unexpected power shortages

Generate and store your own energy, reduce reliance on the National Grid and protect your business from potential rationing and brownouts.


You should get a good Rate of Return on your Investment

A typical 50-panel commercial solar PV system would generate around 16 kwp.


There is currently considerable volatility in the supply, and cost, of the various components required for a solar installation, panels, inverters, batteries, etc.  We are therefore actively updating our guidance on the cost and profitability of commercial solar installations.  We will update our website shortly.


Developments in battery storage have increased the attractiveness of installations and we recommend the inclusion of battery storage in solar projects.   


Get ahead of your competitors

Visibly promote your green initiatives, improve corporate reputation and strengthen relationships with suppliers and customers.

PV installation on  St Georges Church

St Georges Church, Croydon, Installed Aug 2016

Produces enough energy for half the church use

Large commercial roof array

Housing Association in Surrey, Installed October 2007

Produces enough energy for the entire communal area

PV installation on All Nations Christain College

All Nations Christian College in Hertfordshire 

Installed September 2012,

Produces enough to power the communal facilites

Queens Park Church PV installation

Queens Park Church, London, Installed Sep 2008

Produces enough energy for half the church use

Small solar farm on the roof of a block of flats

Block of Flats in Surrey, Installed October 2019

Produces enough energy for the entire communal area

PV installation on London flats

Block of Flats in London, Installed October 2018

Produces enough energy for the entire communal area

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